R10, 2023-10-10

NOTE: Greenwich Náutica does not accept paper waivers, please submit electronically.

Joining instructions

5-day RYA sailing courses
with The Boat School Denia

Thank you for choosing to book with The Boat School Denia. We very much look forward to welcoming you on board.

These joining instructions are designed to help you plan and prepare all you need ahead of the course. However, if you do have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

We kindly ask you to read this document carefully and sign at the end.

We use WhatsApp as our primary means of contact, as we are often delivering training courses and can’t always respond to emails easily. The number for our Chief Instructor (Sail) is +34 651 956 208. 

For Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper candidates, please remember to bring a passport-size photograph with you. There is a photo booth next to the train station in Denia. The address is:

Corner Paseo del Saladar esquina with Calle Dr. Manuel Lattur.

Start date

The date(s) of your course are indicated in the Booking Receipt.

Course schedule

In arranging travel, you should plan to spend 5 days with us. If you do not live locally, we suggest that you plan to arrive in Denia on the evening before the course starts (see the section on accomodation below). This will allow course participants to meet each other and meet the trainer.

The final afternoon of the course will involve a number of tasks including:

  • Debrief
  • Certification
  • Cleaning the boat and removing all our belongings

You can expect to be away from the course by around 14.30 on the last day.

We'll use this time to wash down equipment and boats and return kit to stores. 

Meeting point

Marina de Denia
Puerto de Dénia
Dársena de Babor, s/n
03700 Dénia

Meeting time and contact details

The course starts at 09.00 on the first day. If you arrive on the morning the course starts (remember you have the option to meet up the evening before the course starets), you should plan to meet your Instructor at 08.45 on the first morning. 

Your instructor will send you a WhatsApp message a few days before the start, to inform you of the meeting point. It is usually a cafe or restaurant at the marina.

If you are going to be late at the meeting point, it is very important that you notify the instructor.

We will send the instructor's contact details at least 48 hours before the start of the practical course.

Emergency 24 hour contact numbers for the school:

Tel. 639 20 22 97

During the course

The RYA 5-day format is designed for clients to experience living aboard a small cruising yacht. The yacht becomes our home and the crew becomes our family.

All courses are subject to weather and marina space availability. Therefore, we will plan our course around those factors. Where conditions allow, we will spend one night either at anchor or on a mooring buoy. However, it is not possible to say specifically at this stage where we might go, and the ultimate decision about this rests solely with the instructor, who has ultimate responsibility for your safety and that of the boat.

You can expect to do quite a lot of homework during the course, and we will be out after sunset at least one night. On those evenings, we will eat on board. We will also (weather and facilities permitting) be away from our home base for a number of evenings.

Where we can, we will be able to access shore facilities such as showers and toilets. And of course, we will also be able to go ashore for food and refreshment.

Fresh water capacity on board is limited. Showering is not encouraged (except in cases of illness or where other circumstances require it).


During the course, you will stay on one of the school's boats. This offer includes the night before the course starts. We do not charge for sleeping on our vessels the night before, but we do ask participants to keep the boats clean and tidy.

We cannot guarantee that you will have your own cabin (this depends on the type of vessel used for your course). However, we do guarantee that couples (or friends) will have their own cabin and that female participants will only share a cabin with other female students.

If you plan on arriving the evening before the course start date, please tell us in plenty of time, and plan to arrive before 18:00 hrs. You will be met and shown around the boat.

Meals etc

We provide a starter pack of tea, coffee, bottled water, and milk. We also provide a basic cleaning pack.

Meals are not included in the price of the course. For most evening meals, it will be possible to go ashore. However, for the daytime, we create a fund (a "kitty") which we use for daily supplies. Each person contributes 25 euros (5 euros per person per day). This enables us to buy basic supplies for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

It is the convention that the skipper's meals are paid for.

Marina and berthing fees

Marina and berthing fees are extras. Crews normally agree among themselves how to share the cost. Our home base in Marina del Denia is already paid for.


The cost of diesel is included in the price of the course.

What we provide

In addition to charts, pilot books, navigation instruments, etc., we provide all safety equipment and personal safety devices (lifejackets and lifelines) up to the standard required by the RYA.

What you should bring

We want you to get the maximum enjoyment and reward from your time with us. In addition to anything else you may choose to pack, we recommend the following list of items to bring with you:

Useful and important items

  • Sleeping bag (or single duvet and single flat sheet)
  • Pillo
  • Non slip footwear (no dark soles please – they mark the decks)
  • Dry footwear for going ashore
  • Lightweight jacket or top for going ashore
  • Warm layers - especially the upper body. (It is almost always colder at sea than you expect, and we will be out at night for part of your course.)
  • A hat or other head covering
  • Gloves can be useful, but are not practical in all circumstances on a boat – your instructor will advise on this. Sailing gloves are best.
  • A neck covering - for evenings at sea
  • Waterproofs if you have them - or a suitable waterproof layer
  • Sun protection cream
  • Sunglasses
  • Toiletries and a towel
  • Passport-size photo (Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper)
  • Any prescription medication you require
  • Sea sickness tablets (if you are prone to travel sickness)
  • Torch or head torch
  • Any favourite snacks for your own use
  • A small notepad and something to write with
  • Pack a charger for your devices!!!
  • If you have a navigation kit (plotter, dividers etc) bring it with you
  • Wet wipes are useful

Please note: Storage space is limited. One reasonable-sized bag and your bedding should be enough for your time on board.

Clothing and personal equipment

Clothing should be comfortable and practical. Please bring clothing appropriate for the time of year. Your footwear should be comfortable and with a good grip. Boat shoes or soft-soled shoes are the best option. Sunscreen all year round and in the Summer you should wear sunglasses and a cap.

If you are not used to the sea or are prone to sea sickness, ask your pharmacist for advice.

You can bring a notebook and pen or pencil to take notes.

We usually have lunc on the boat and we suggest that you bring a simple lunch (a sandwich or salad); there are bars where you can get a sandwich but the service can be very slow, especially in Summer. We also suggest you bring water and some snacks (nuts, energy bars, fruit for example). For safety reasons, the intake of alcohol on board is not allowed.

Weather forecast

Don't forget to check the weather forecast before choosing your clothes. Go to the AEMET website (http://www.aemet.es) and search for Denia.

Evaluation of your practical course

There is no formal exam, but your instructor will expect active participation and will be evaluating your skills throughout the course. Don't worry about this; there's plenty of time to deal with any areas where you need extra practice.

After the course, we will send you a questionnaire so that you can evaluate the instruction and course organisation. Your comments here are very important to us. It would also be very useful for us if you could leave a comment on social networks.


We hope you have a great day with us and we understand that you want to take photos and even post them on social media … If you take photos with images of your fellow students, please ask their permission before posting them. Sometimes, there are minors on board (participants aged between 16-18 years). In these cases, we ask that you never post the photos.

Your instructor will most likely take some photos to share with the group. If you do not want any image of yourself to appear, please tell the instructor. You can also indicate this in the image consent form.


The course may be canceled when the weather conditions advise or due to force majeure. In the event of cancellation you can reserve another available date or request a refund.

We will send the final confirmation for your course three days before the start date.

If you have to contract accommodation or transport, we recommend you wait for a final confirmation from the school, since courses may be resheduled for reasons beyond our control, although this is not common.

Changes to your practical course

Once your reservation is confirmed, you can change the date and time of your course up to 10 days before the scheduled date.

You can find all the conditions of sale and contracting here.

Online Theory Course

This online course is an important part of your maritime studies and it will be beneficial if you can finish this theoretical component before starting the practical training. However, if time is an issue, don't worry. You can access the online course anytime within six months from your enrolment date. Now, let's guide you through the process of creating an account and enrolling in the course on our eLearning platform at campus.greenwichlearning.es.

Creating an Account:

  1. Go to campus.greenwichnautica.es.
  2. Click on "Create an account".
  3. Enter your personal details.
  4. Complete the security check.
  5. Confirm your account through the confirmation link sent to your email.

Enrolling in the Online Theory Course:

  1. Log in to your account using your new username and password.
  2. Go to the "Categories and programs" section on the homepage.
  3. Click on "RYA and boat courses".
  4. Find the "Online Theory Course" and click on it.
  5. Click on 'Enroll me' or 'Enroll in this course'.
  6. Input the course registration code: "SAIL23" and confirm enrolment.
  7. Check the 'My courses' tab to confirm your enrollment in the "Online Theory Course".

Enjoy your learning journey. Reach out if you need any assistance during the enrollment process.

Receipt of instructions

Your first and last name:

Medical declaration

The courses organized by Greenwich Náutica (the Boat School) involve a certain level of physical activity. I declare that I have not had, nor do I suffer from, health problems that prevent me from attending a boating course. Nor do I have any physical limitations that are incompatible with the practice of a marine sport.

The User expressly exonerates the school and the instructor for any loss, damage or injury suffered by persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course unless such injury loss or damage was caused by, or resulted from negligence or deliberate act.

Medical details

Students who suffer from any type of illness or limitation should use this form to notify our instructors .

Medical conditions

If you answered yes.


Only medication that we need to be aware of.

If you answered yes.


That we need to be aware of.

If you answered yes.

Emergency contacts

Emergency contact details (this person must not be on the course with you).

Please include dialling code.

Please tell us the contact's relation to you.

Clic para firmar

Formulario Recepción Digital de Documentos
Responsable del tratamiento Greenwich Learning, S.L.
Finalidad Procesar tu pedido y realizar la gestión administrativa, contable y fiscal derivada de nuestra relación comercial.
Legitimación Ejecución de un contrato
Cesiones de datos y transferencias No se realizan cesiones, salvo a los proveedores de servicios de alojamiento de los servidores ubicados dentro de la UE.
Derechos Podrás ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, oposición, portabilidad, o retirar el consentimiento enviando un email a cursos@greenwichnautica.es
Más información Consulta nuestra Política de Privacidad para más información.